• +91-9975223722
  • hr@myinternship.in
  • JM Road, Pune

JAVASCRIPT Internship in Pune

MyInternship.in is proud to offer a comprehensive Javascript internship in Pune for individuals who are looking to gain hands-on experience and develop their skills in the field of web development. Our program is designed to provide students, freshers, and professionals with the opportunity to work on real-world projects and gain valuable knowledge and experience in the field of Javascript.


The program is tailored to meet the needs of individuals at different levels of expertise, from beginners to advanced learners. During the course of the javascript internship in Pune, participants will work on a variety of projects and learn how to use different tools and technologies such as HTML, CSS, and Javascript to create interactive web applications.


Participants will also have the opportunity to work with experienced developers and mentors who will guide them through the process of creating and deploying web applications. They will also learn about the latest trends and best practices in the field of web development, and will have the opportunity to network with other professionals in the industry.


The javascript internship in Pune program is designed to be flexible and can be completed on a full-time or part-time basis, depending on the needs of the participant. Upon completion of the program, participants will receive a certificate of completion and will have gained valuable skills and experience that will help them advance their careers in the field of web development.

If you are interested in gaining hands-on experience and developing your skills in Javascript, then MyInternship.in’s Javascript internship in Pune program is the perfect opportunity for you. Apply now and take the first step towards a successful career in web development!



Basics of Programming in JavaScript

          1. Hello world program
          2. Declare variable using var
          3. More about variable
          4. Let
          5. Const
          6. String Indexing
          7. Useful string methods
          8. Template Strings
          9. Null, undefined, BigInt, typeof
          10. Booleans and Comparison Operator
          11. Truthy and Falsy Values
          12. If else statement
          13. Ternary Operator
          14. && || operator
          15. Nested if else
          16. If elseif else
          17. Switch statement
          18. While loop
          19. While loop examples
          20. For loop
          21. For loop examples
          22. Break and continue keyword
          23. Do while loop


Arrays in JavaScript

          1. Intro to arrays
          2. Push pop shift unshift
          3. Primitive vs reference data types
          4. Clone array & spread operator
          5. For loop
          6. use const for creating arrays
          7. While loop in array
          8. For of loop
          9. Array destructuring


Objects in JavaScript

          • Intro to objects
          • Dot vs Bracket Notation
          • Iterate objects
          • Computed properties
          • Spread operator in objects
          • Object Destructuring
          • Objects inside Array
          • Nested Destructuring


Functions in JavaScript

          1. Function declaration
          2. Function Expression
          3. Arrow Functions
          4. Function declarations are hoisted  (covered in great detail , later in this
          5. course)
          6. Function inside function
          7. Lexical Scope
          8. Block Scope Vs Function Scope
          9. Default Parameters
          10. Rest Parameters
          11. Parameter Destructuring
          12. Very brief intro to callback functions(covered in great detail , later in the
          13. course)
          14. Functions returning Functions



Very Important Array Methods

          1. Foreach method
          2. Map method
          4. Filter
          5. Reduce
          6. Sort
          7. Find
          8. Every
          9. Some
          10. Fill method
          11. Splice method




More useful things


          1. Iterables
          2. Sets
          3. Maps
          4. Object.assign
          5. Optional chaining

Work on Real- Time Projects

Course Duration

1 Month/ 2 Months/ 3 Months/ 6 Months courses